Micah @ 859-227-1776
Evergreen Shrubs
This section shows a selection of our evergreen shrubs. However, we offer many varieties in addition to those shown below. Contact us to inquire about our full inventory.

Buxus microphylla var. koreana
Korean Boxwood
Korean boxwood is a dense, compact, many-branched, broad, mounded evergreen shrub with a loose and open habit. A fast growing boxwood which is typically grown as a 2-2.5' tall shrub with a larger spread. An hardy variety that is a good choice for northern climates. Small, ovate, light yellowish green to medium green leaves. Flowers are sparse and insignificant, but quite fragrant.
Often used as a hedge or foundation plant. May be massed, used as a specimen, or accent. Formal gardens or shrub borders.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 2-2.5 feet tall, 3-4 feet spread at age

Buxus sempervirens
American Boxwood
American Boxwood is a rounded to broad-rounded shrub or small tree. Small, elliptic to oval to oblong leaves are dark glossy green above and yellowish-green below.
Often used as a hedge or foundation plant. May be massed, used as a specimen, or accent. Formal gardens or shrub borders. Can be used as a topiary plant.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 5-15 feet tall, 5-15 feet spread at age

Buxus x 'Green Gem'
Green Gem Boxwood
'Green Gem' is a hybrid boxwood cultivar that is noted for its globular shape and excellent winter hardiness. This broadleaf evergreen shrub that typically grows in a dense globe. The glossy dark green, oval leaves hold their color well in winter.
Often used as a hedge or foundation plant. May be massed, used as a specimen, or accent. Formal gardens or shrub borders.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 1.5-2 feet tall, 1.5-2 feet spread at age

Buxus x Green Velvet'
Green Velvet Boxwood
‘Green Velvet’ is a broad-mounded, compact form of boxwood. This broadleaf evergreen shrub that typically grows in a dense globe. The glossy dark green, oval leaves hold their color well in winter.
Often used as a hedge or foundation plant. May be massed, used as a specimen, or accent. Formal gardens or shrub borders.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 2-4 feet tall, 2-4 feet spread at age

Buxus x Green Mountain
Green Mountain Boxwood
'Green Mountain' is a dense, upright, evergreen boxwood. This is a slow-growing boxwood has smooth-margined, narrow glossy dark green leaves. Foliage may acquire bronze tones in winter.
Often used as specimen/accent, hedge, mass in foundation plantings in formal gardens.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 3-5 feet tall, 2-3 feet spread at age

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens'
Duke Gardens Japanese Plum Yew
Duke Gardens Plum Yew, is a slow growing dwarf evergreen. The linear, spirally-arranged, yew-like, leaves appear in a v-shaped pattern on erect stems, many of which rise up from the base of the plant. Female flowers produce fleshy, edible, plum-like fruits. Excellent tolerance for both shade and hot weather.
Often ssed as accent, group or mass. Excellent compact evergreen conifer for shady locations in the landscape.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 2-4 feet tall, 2-4 feet spread at age

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata'
Upright Japanese Plum Yew
Upright Plum Yew, is a slow growing evergreen. The linear, spirally-arranged, yew-like, evergreen leaves appear in a v-shaped pattern on erect stems, many of which rise up from the base of the plant. Excellent tolerance for both shade and hot weather.
Plants are commonly called plum yews because the fruits on female plants resemble tiny plums and the foliage resembles that of yews. This is upright columnar has blackish-green leaves appear in bottlebrush form.
Often used as accent, group or mass in foundation plantings. Excellent fastigiate evergreen conifer for shady locations in the landscape.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 8-10 feet tall, 3-5 feet spread at age

Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata'
Prostrate Japanese Plum Yew
Prostrate Plum Yew, is a slow growing dwarf evergreen. The linear, spirally-arranged, yew-like, leaves appear in a v-shaped pattern on erect stems, many of which rise up from the base of the plant. Female flowers produce fleshy, edible, plum-like fruits. Excellent tolerance for both shade and hot weather.
Often ssed as accent, group or mass. Excellent compact evergreen conifer for shady locations in the landscape.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 2-3 feet tall, 3-4 feet spread at age

Chamae obtusa 'Compacta'
Compact Hinoki Falsecypress

Chamae obtusa 'Crippsi'
Cripps Gold Hinoki Falsecypress
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Chamae obtusa 'Filicoides'
Fernspray Hinoki Falsecypress
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Chamae obtusa 'Gracilis'
Hinoki Falsecypress
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Chamae obtusa 'Gracilis Aurea
Golden Hinoki Falsecypress
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Kosteri Falsecypress
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Nana Aurea Falsecypress
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Pompom Falsecypress
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Templehof Falsecypress
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Chamae pisifera 'Filifera Aurea'
Gold Thread Cypress

Chamae pisifera 'Gold Mop'
Gold Mop Cypress

Chamae pisifera 'Squarrosa Minima'
Minature Moss Falsecypress

Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty'
Coral Beaty Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster is a coarse, dense, slow-growing, semi-prostrate shrub that grows wide on stiff, flattened, horizontal branching that features branchlets. Branching becomes somewhat tiered over time. Plants are semi-evergreen. Round to elliptic, glossy dark green leaves are attractive throughout the growing season. Leaves can turn reddish-purple in fall. Five-petaled, tiny pink flowers appear singly or in pairs in late spring. Bees are attracted to the flowers. Flowers are followed by bright scarlet fruits that mature in late summer to fall.
Mass as a woody ground cover for sunny areas in the landscape including banks and slopes where it can also provide some erosion control. It will sprawl over rocks in rock gardens or along stone walls.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 2-3 feet tall, 6-8 feet spread at age

Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'
Sky Pencil Holly
Sky Pencil Holly, is a dense, multi-branched, evergreen shrub with a narrow, fastigiate form. Noted for its ovate to elliptic, glossy, deep green leaves which are attractive all year. The plant has semi-slow growth habits.
Often used grouped, hedged, or used in borders in foundation plantings.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 4-10 feet tall, 1-3 feet spread at age

Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch'
Soft Touch Holly
Soft Touch Holly is a dense, soft-textured, evergreen shrub with a mounded form. Noted for its ovate to elliptic, glossy, deep green leaves which are attractive all year. The plant has black berries which last all winter for cool season interest.
Often used in borders, as an accent, or along walkways, but can be grouped.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 2-3 feet tall, 2-3 feet spread at age

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Maid'
Blue Maid Holly
Blue Maid Holly is a broad, upright pyramidal, evergreen shrub which features dark purplish stems and glossy, blue-green leaves which have spiny-toothed margins. Tiny, whitish flowers appear in spring and are relatively inconspicuous. Fertilized female flowers give way to abundant, dark red fruit which persists throughout the winter. The female plants produce red berries and are accordingly somewhat more attractive than the companion male plants.
Excellent year round interest for foundation plantings, hedges, shrub borders or accents.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 8-10 feet tall, 6-8 feet spread at age

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princess'
Blue Princess Holly
Blue Princess Holly is a broad, upright, evergreen shrub which features dark purplish stems and glossy, blue-green leaves which have spiny-toothed margins. Tiny, whitish flowers appear in spring and are relatively inconspicuous. Fertilized female flowers give way to abundant, dark red fruit which persists throughout the winter. The female plants produce red berries and are accordingly somewhat more attractive than the companion male plants.
Excellent year round interest for foundation plantings, hedges, shrub borders or accents.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 10-15 feet tall, 8-10 feet spread at age

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince'
Blue Prince Holly
Blue Prince Holly is a broad, upright, evergreen shrub which features dark purplish stems and glossy, dark blue-green leaves which have spiny-toothed margins. Tiny, whitish flowers appear in spring and are relatively inconspicuous. This male cultivar produces abundant pollen over a long spring bloom period, thus making it an excellent pollinator for a number of female holly cultivars.
Excellent for foundation plantings, hedges, shrub borders or accents.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 8-12 feet tall, 8-12 feet spread at age

Ilex x meserveae 'Mesog'
China Girl Holly
China Girl Holly is an upright, rounded, dense, evergreen shrub. The glossy, dark green leaves have spiny-toothed margins. Tiny, whitish flowers appear in spring and are relatively inconspicuous. Female plants produce red berries and are accordingly somewhat more attractive than the companion male plants.
Females and males together have year-round interest and are excellent for foundation plantings, hedges, shrub borders or accents.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 7-10 feet tall, 5-8 feet spread at age

Ilex x meserveae 'Mesdob'
China Boy Holly
China Boy Holly is a dense, upright holly. The glossy, dark green leaves have spiny-toothed margins. Tiny, whitish flowers appear in spring and are relatively inconspicuous. This male plant is primarily used as a pollinator for the showier female plants, but is itself an excellent, fast-growing specimen plant.
Male and females together have year-round interest and are excellent for foundation plantings, hedges, shrub borders or accents.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 7-10 feet tall, 5-8 feet spread at age

Juniperus chinensis 'Daub's Frosted'
Daub's Frosted Juniper
Daub's Frosted Juniper is a compact, low-spreading, evergreen shrub that typically noted for its two-toned foliage. New growth emerges yellow but matures to blue-green. Overall plant appearance is blue green foliage frosted with yellow new growth at the tips.
A good foundation plant, but can be used as ground cover in groupings.
Sun: Full sun
Size: 1-2 feet tall, 3-6 feet spread at age

Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Lace'
Gold Lace Juniper

Juniperus Horizontalis 'Blue Rug'
Blue Rug Juniper

Juniperus horizontalis 'Icee Blue'
Icee Blue Creeping Juniper

Juniperus procumbens 'Nana'
Dwarf Japanese Juniper

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star'
Blue Star Juniper

Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl'
Grey Owl Juniper

Juniperus x 'Gold Coast'
Gold Coast Juniper

Mahonia aquifolium 'Compacta'
Compact Oregon Grape Holly
Compact Oregon Grape Holly is an evergreen shrub. This is an evergreen shrub with a spreading to upright habit, although it can be trained to grow taller. It is noted for its yellow flowers in spring, edible blue-black berries in late summer, compound evergreen foliage and ability to grow well in shade. New leaves emerge red-tinted in spring, maturing to glossy dark green by summer. Foliage acquires purplish hues in fall and burgundy-bronze tones by winter, sometimes suffering from winter burn. Bright yellow flowers bloom in April. Flowers are mildly fragrant. Flowers are followed by edible berries that ripen to blue-black by early fall.
Best in small groupings in shady areas. Shrub borders. Often used in foundation plantings.
Part shade to full shade
Size: 3-6 feet tall, 2-5 feet spread at age

Nandina domestica
Heavenly Bamboo
Heavenly bamboo, is a broadleaf semi-evergreen shrub that is ornamentally grown for its interesting foliage and its often spectacular fruit display. It is native to Japan, China and India. This is an upright shrub that typically grows shorter since the stems often will die to the ground in winter. It has erect, cane-like stems and compound leaves resemble bamboo. Tiny whitish flowers appear late spring in loose, erect, terminal clusters. Flowers are followed by sprays of spherical, two-seeded, red berries which persist from fall to spring, providing winter interest.
This an interesting ornamental for the landscape. Group in shrub borders for best effect. This can be used in foundation plantings.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 3-8 feet tall, 2-4 feet spread at age

Nandina domestica 'Firepower'
Firepower Nandina
Firepower Nandina is a dwarf form that typically does not produce flowers or fruit, and is basically grown for its attractive foliage. Leaves emerge lime green in spring, mature to medium green, and acquire some red tints in mid to late summer before turning firey red in fall. Where evergreen, the leaves usually retain excellent red color throughout winter.
Group or mass for best effect. Shrub borders or open woodland gardens. Often used in foundation plantings.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 1-2 feet tall, 1-2 feet spread at age

Nandina domestica 'Harbour Dwarf'
Harbour Dwarf Nandina
Harbour Dwarf Nandina, is a dwarf form that typically forms a dense foliage mound that branches to the ground. Leaves emerge with coppery tints in spring, but mature to green in summer. Where deciduous, leaves turn reddish-orange to reddish-purple in fall. Where evergreen, leaves typically acquire reddish to purplish tones in winter. Red fruits are attractive from fall into winter.
Group or mass for best effect. Shrub borders or open woodland gardens. Often found in foundation plantings.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 1-2 feet tall, 2-3 feet spread at age

Nandina domestica 'Seika'
Obsession Nandina
Obsession Nandina, is a compact dense cultivar with a slow growth rate. Its unique and long-lasting deep red young foliage contrasts with the typical bronze-green colored young foliage of its parent cultivar
Group or mass for best effect. Shrub borders or open woodland gardens. Often found in foundation plantings. Can be used as an informal hedge in warm winter climates where it remains evergreen and does not die to the ground.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 2-2.5 feet tall, 1.5-2 feet spread at age

Picea abies 'Pumila'
Dwarf Norway Spruce
Dwarf Norway Spruce is a slow-growing dwarf cultivar that typically grows in a dense, flattened mound. Lower branches typically spread outward, but upper branches spread upward. The branches are clad with spirally-arranged, four-sided, needle-like, deep green leaves which are attached at their bases to tiny pegs.
Dwarf needled evergreen for rock gardens, border fronts, foundations or small specimen/accent around the home.
Full to Partial Sun
Size: 2-4 feet tall, 3-5 feet spread at age

Picea pungens 'Little Gem'
Little Gem Spruce
Little Gem Spruce is a dwarf needled evergreen shrub which has a dense, flat, bun or cushion-like growth habit. New growth needles are light green, turning to a glossy, dark green with age.
May be used in the border front or rock garden as a specimen, or as part of a foundation planting or specimen around the home.
Full to Partial Sun
Size: .75-2 feet tall, 2-3 feet spread at age

Picea abies 'Nidiformis'
Birds Nest Spruce
Birds Nest Spruce, is a slow-growing dwarf pyramidal evergreen that typically features spreading, horizontal to slightly ascending branches which form a dense, broad-rounded, shrubby, flattened globe. Mature plants have a nest-like depression in the center of the flattened top, hence the common name of bird’s-nest spruce. This spruce has thin dark gray needles.
Dwarf rounded needled evergreen for rock gardens, border fronts, foundations or specimen/accent around the home.
Full to Partial Sun
Size: 2-8 feet tall, 3-12 feet spread at age

Picea pungens 'Globosa'
Globe Blue Spruce
Globe Blue Spruce has stiff, bristly, four-angled, green to blue-green to silver-blue needles point outward from the branches in all directions. This slow growing globe-shaped evergreen shrub has blue-needles. The blue needles hold their color well throughout the year, but are brightest when they first emerge in spring. It is a dwarf variety of the Colorado Blue Spruce.
Blue-needled specimen shrub for the rock gardens, shrub borders, or hedges in landscapes.
Full to Partial Sun
Size: 3-5 feet tall, 4-6 feet spread at age

Prunus laurocerasus
Cherry Laurel
Otto Luyken is a compact cultivar. The dense, green evergreen leaves have some discoloration of leaves in fall. Tiny, cup-shaped, creamy white flowers in upright clusters bloom from the leaf axils in April-May. Flowers have a powerful aroma. Flowers give way to somewhat inconspicuous black drupes that ripen in mid-summer.
Used as tall hedge or screen. Can be used as a specimen. Others people use them in groups in large areas.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 8-10 feet tall, 8-10 feet spread at age

Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken'
Otto Luyken Laurel
Otto Luyken is a compact cultivar. The dense, dark green evergreen leaves have no fall color. Tiny, cup-shaped, creamy white flowers in upright clusters bloom from the leaf axils in April-May. Flowers have a powerful aroma. Flowers give way to somewhat inconspicuous black drupes that ripen in mid-summer.
Used as a hedge or screen. Can be used as a specimen. Others people use them in groups in large areas.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 6-10 feet tall, 6-8 feet spread at age

Prunus laurocerasus 'Schipkaensis'
Schip Laurel
Schip is a dense, dark green evergreen leaves have no fall color. Tiny, cup-shaped, creamy white flowers in upright clusters bloom from the leaf axils in April-May. Flowers have a powerful aroma. Flowers give way to somewhat inconspicuous black drupes that ripen in mid-summer. This plant is more upright then the Cherry and Otto Luyken laurels.
Used as tall hedge or screen. Can be used as a specimen. Others people use them in groups in large areas.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 10-15 feet tall, 6-10 feet spread at age

Taxus x media 'Densiformis'
Densiformis Taxus
Densiformis Yew is a semi-dwarf, dense, spreading, evergreen shrub which typically grows in a mound. Yews are classified as conifers, produce red, fleshy, single-seeded fruit instead of cones. The plant has dark green, thin-needled foliage. All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested.
Frequently used as a specimen, small hedge or foundation plant.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 3-4 feet tall, 4-6 feet spread at age

Taxus x media 'Wardii'
Wardii Taxus
Wardii Yew is a low-growing, wide-spreading cultivar with a flattened top that features pointed, dark green needle-like leaves that are attractive year round. Female plants produce red, ornamentally-attractive, berry-like fruits, each having a single seed almost completely surrounded by a fleshy red coating.
Often used in group plantings, foundation plantings, and hedges. Can also be used on embankments.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 3-6 feet tall, 8-20 feet spread at age

Viburnum nudum
Winterthur Viburnum
Winterthur Viburnum is a rounded, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub which typically is a compact cultivar. It features aromatic white flowers arranged in flat clusters in April-May. Flowers are followed by clusters of berries that change color as they ripen, from light pink to deep pink to blue to purplish-black. The glossy dark green leaves are somewhat glossier than those of the species. Foliage turns maroon to dark red-purple in fall. In late summer to early fall, berries in shades of both deep pink and blue-purple often appear on the same cluster, in striking contrast to the foliage.
Use as a specimen or groups. Seen in shrub borders, foundation plantings, hedges or roadside plantings.
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Size: 5-12 feet tall, 5-12 feet spread at age

Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum
'Mariesii' Viburnum
'Summer Snowflake' Viburnum (Reblooming)
Mariesii Viburnum is a doublefile viburnum noted for its distinctively layered horizontal branching. It is a broad, dense, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub has non-fragrant flowers in flat-topped, lacecap-like clusters bloom along the branches in April or May. Flower clusters appear in two rows or files, hence the common name. Pollinated fertile flowers give way in summer to red berry-like drupes which eventually mature to black. Fruits are ornamentally attractive and a food source for birds. The dark green turn reddish purle in fall.
Used as specimen or in groups. May be used in shrub borders, foundations or hedges.
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Size: 10-12 feet tall, 12-15 feet spread at age

Viburnum x juddi
Juddi Viburnum
Judd viburnum is a semi-snowball hybrid. It is a rounded deciduous shrub that typically is noted for its fragrant white flowers in spring. The fragrant white flowers are clustered bloom in spring. The dark green leaves turn burgundy purple to red in fall. Flowers are followed by berry-like drupes which ripen from red to black from late summer to early fall.
May be used as specimen or groups. Often found in shrub borders, foundations, hedges or screens.
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Size: 6-8 feet tall, 6-10 feet spread at age

Viburnum x pragense
Pragense Viburnum
Pragense Viburnum is a multi-stemmed evergreen shrub. Flat slightly fragrant, creamy white flowers in spring gives way to berries in early fall which first appear red and then change to glossy black. Berries will often persist to the end of December. The dark green leaves is usually evergreen in the north unless injured by cold winter temperatures.
May be grown as a hedge. The shrub can be used as good specimen or planted in groups.
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Size: 10-12 feet tall, 10-12 feet spread at age

Viburnum x rhytidophylloides
Alleghany Viburnum
Alleghany viburnum is a dense, deciduous, multi-stemmed shrub. Flat creamy white flowers in spring gives way to berries in early fall. Berries first appear bright red and then change to glossy black. Leathery, wrinkled, dark green leaves.
Use as specimen or groups. Work well in shrub borders, screens, or hedges.
Full sun to part shade
Size: 8-10 feet tall, 8-10 feet spread at age